Rec. Volleyball - Girls

Grades: 6/7/8

Start of 2024 Schedule - The rest to come... September







3 First day of School

First Practice 3:15 - 4

*Meet in Ms. Walker's room


Morning Practice 7-7:40am


Outside Practice 3:154

*Meet in Ms. Walker's room.


No Practice


Outside Practice 3:15-4

*Meet in Ms. Walker's room.

Parent Meeting 4-4:30


Gym Practice 3:15 - 4


Morning Practice 7-7:40am


Outside Practice 3: 15-4

*Meet in Ms. Walker's room.


No Practice

6th/7th/8th Grade Rec. Coach - Ms. Robi Jo Walker & Ms. Kali Boardman

Contact Information:
Email Ms. Robi Jo Walker    
Email Ms. Kali Boardman  

Sabish Rec Volleyball 2024 6th, 7th, & 8th Graders 

First practice: September 3rd at 3:15-4pm

Being part of a team sport at Sabish means you agree to the following expectations. Please read over everything and let the coach know if you have any questions. 

Sign Up Link - Fill this out as soon as you know you'll be joining the 2024 Sabish Girls Rec Volleyball Team.

Athlete Expectations

Gear - 

  • Must wear appropriate footwear to participate in pracitce and/or games. (No flip flops, crocs, slippers, etc.)

  • Uniform will be given for games. Players must wear it in order to participate in game.

  • All jewelry and metal hair accessories must be removed.

  • Kneepads recommended 

Attendance - 

  • Attend all practices unless absent from school or a note is provided from a parent/guardian.

  • Unexcused absence from practice may result in less playing time during games.

    • More than two unexcused absences will result in dismissal from the team. 

Transportation -

  •   Students will need to have transportation to and from practice and games.

Required Athletic Code Meeting: 

Parents and athletes must attend one of the following:

  • August 27th before & after Open House (6-7:30pm)

  • September 9th at 4pm

Required Forms

  • Emergency card

  • Concussion form

  • Athletic code form (you will sign this after attending the code meeting)

  • $10 participation fee (check payable to Sabish)

Please note: Players are allowed to begin practicing, however, participation is not allowed in games until all of the forms are in and the fee is paid.

Academic and Behavior Expectations:

Academic Eligibility-

  • Players must be passing all courses.

  • A failing grade will result in practice time used to get grade up and missing games until a passing grade is earned. 

  • More than two missing assignments will result in practice and game time used to finish work. 


  • Players will represent Sabish proudly and respectfully. 

  • Poor conduct may result in extra conditioning during practice and/or loss of playing time if becomes consistent.

  • School suspension may result in dismissal from the team.

Throughout the season, there will be a strong emphasis on hard work and team play. The girls will be expected to push themselves to improve their volleyball skills while working on cooperation and sportsmanship. Of course, we will also have a lot of fun!!