8th Grade Theisen Tigers of the Week: J. Tschetter, O. Banuelos-Murillo, C. Murphy, A. Mayorga-Escobar, and C. Wendell's.
1 day ago, Theisen Middle School
8th Grade Theisen Tigers of the Week
7th Grade Theisen Tigers of the Week: K. Duel, C. Wellman, M. Maganda, and E. Lewandowski (missing I. Mason)
3 days ago, Theisen Middle School
7th Grade Theisen Tigers of the Week
6th Grade Theisen Tigers of the Week: L. Lindgren, L. Nelson, M. Miller, C. Vera (Missing: Y. Jaramillo-Roldan)
4 days ago, Theisen Middle School
6th Grade Theisen Tigers
Theisen's Weekly Sports Schedules
5 days ago, Theisen Middle School
Theisen Athletics
Friday, February 28th was the end of Trimester 2 for the 2024-2025 school year for 6th and 8th graders. Today your child's Trimester 2 Report Card has been posted within Skyward Family Access. Please note this may only include one class. Directions to access the report card: Log into Skyward Family Access Click "Letters and Report Cards" Click on "24-25 Trimester 2 Report Card" We encourage all families to review your child's report card and academic progress. If you have questions, please contact your child's teacher(s) directly.. Thank you for your continued partnership. Sincerely, Theisen Middle School
8 days ago, Julie Gruening
8th Grade Theisen Tigers of the Week: O. Maganda, N. Michalkiewicz, B. Neumann, O. Nett, R. Stitt.
9 days ago, Theisen Middle School
8th Grade Theisen Tigers
8th Grade Theisen Tigers
6th Grade Theisen Tigers of the Week: V. Martinez, M. Kohnke, S. Stender, and S. Zimmerman. (B. Wedde missing)
10 days ago, Theisen Middle School
6th Grade Theisen Tigers
Theisen's Weekly Sports Schedules
12 days ago, Theisen Middle School
Theisen Athletics
Please see the attached for more information on new services offered by Bridging Brighter Smiles.
14 days ago, Theisen Middle School
8th Grade Theisen Tigers of the Week: A. Amons, C. Hanson, M. Cardona, C. Monroe, D. Santana, and H. Pflum.
16 days ago, Theisen Middle School
8th Grade Theisen Tigers
7th Grade Theisen Tigers of the Week: A. Scott, A. Ugan, L. Swain, C. Julka, B. Lawyer.
17 days ago, Theisen Middle School
7th Grade Tigers
6th Grade Theisen Tigers of the Week: K. Gregor, K. Lopez, A. Kent, A. Kuhnz
18 days ago, Theisen Middle School
6th Grade Theisen Tigers
Theisen's Weekly Sports Schedules
19 days ago, Theisen Middle School
Theisen Athletics
7th grade Theisen Tigers of the Week are W. Fortino, A. Humleker, M. Semenas, and R. Vang (Z. Mendoza not pictured)
24 days ago, Theisen Middle School
7th Grade Theisen Tiger
6th Grade Theisen Tigers of the Week: E. Fitzpatrick, B. Pineda, and A. Schaefer. (not pictured L. Kerchefski and E. Fischer)
25 days ago, Theisen Middle School
6th Grade Theisen Tigers
Theisen's Weekly Sports Schedules
26 days ago, Theisen Middle School
Theisen Athletics
Due to inclement weather, the Fond du Lac School District will be cancelling all after-school activities for this evening, Wednesday, Feb. 12, 2025, for our elementary schools, middle schools, Community Education and Recreation Department and Boys & Girls Club. Our high school after-school activities will conclude by 5p. Any high school events after 5p are canceled.
29 days ago, Fondy Schools
Due to inclement weather, the Fond du Lac School District will be cancelling all after-school activities for this evening, Wednesday, Feb. 12, 2025, for our elementary schools, middle schools, Community Education and Recreation Department and Boys & Girls Club.  Our high school after-school activities will conclude by 5p. Any high school events after 5p are canceled.
7th Grade Theisen Tigers are J. Robinson and L. Johnson
30 days ago, Theisen Middle School
7th grade Theisen tigers
8th Grade Theisen Tigers of the Week: G. Mora, A. Koehler, K. Hedine, J. Penton, E. Geiger.
30 days ago, Theisen Middle School
8th Grade Theisen Tigers
7th Grade Theisen Tigers this week are: C. Carr and R. Lipke.
about 1 month ago, Theisen Middle School
7th Grade Theisen Tigers