College and Career Readiness

We have a unique path that we have created, alongside our business partners, which sets STEM apart from any other school in the area. We focus on a College and Career Readiness Pathway that allows our high school students to be more prepared than ever before for their post high school life! 

  • Freshman do a number of job shadows throughout the year to learn about careers and college experiences that may interest them.

  • Sophomore year, students focus in on these job shadow opportunities and are specific in their focus of shadowing.

  • Juniors then enter into either a Youth Apprenticeship and/or begin taking classes at the college level at universities or Moraine Park Technical College.

  • Seniors embark on their Senior Capstone, which allows them to continue moving forward in Youth Apprenticeship and/or continue taking those college/tech school courses. Students also design a year long Project-Based Learning unit that is often intertwined with the courses/apprenticeship they are involved in.