At STEM, our goal is to create spaces that allow our students to become “makers” instead of always acting as “users.” Our aim is to teach our students how to use the equipment and software so students can begin the process of creating for their classes and projects. 

Please take a look below to view pictures and equipment lists within our labs. 

Fabrication Lab

Our fabrication lab is equipped with a host of devices and tools that allow our students to become “makers.” We wanted to ensure students were able to grow into the equipment we have from middle school all the way through their high school years as they prepare for their post-secondary education or enter the workforce. 

At STEM, we know it’s not the fancy equipment or gadgets that make for a solid education, so we work to ensure our students are trained on how to use the equipment, programs such as AutoCAD, as well as take computer science courses. Our goal continues to be to challenge our students so they can discover areas that light up their imaginations. From there, students begin to lead with ideas and creations of their own. 

Feel free to take a look at our equipment list.

CNC-Related Equipment

Wood Working Tools

Fabrication Lab

Audio Visual Lab

Our A/V Lab serves the same purpose as our Fabrication Lab, but focuses in on Audio, Video, and Music production. Here, students are trained on how to become creators of these elements. Our students also have the opportunity to join A/V clubs and do activities for our school that are both interesting and fun!

Audio Visual Lab

Fitness Lab

With sports and activities being an important part of our student’s lives, we wanted to ensure our kids had a place to work out. Our Fitness lab is not huge, but it is filled with equipment that allows for a very versatile workout! Whether it’s running, rowing, lifting, yoga, or HIIT workouts, there is something here for everyone. Healthy bodies help create healthier minds!

Fitness Lab